Our little girl

We found out that I am pregnant around January, 2012. We have been trying for a baby for about three months and were really excited to recognize this news. It changes a lot of things for us as I am still trying to get full-time teaching position at that time. 

We have the first ultrasound at ultra clinic on Edward street. It is the first time we saw our little one. I am overwhelmed to see her heart beat on the monitor. It is the most amazing thing I have ever felt with all kinds of emotions. My husband was with me and waited together for over three hours as we need to do a walk-in to get the ultrasound done. His expression was also precious. I think it is one of those moment we will remember from years to come.

This is when she is 12 weeks.  February 23 rd, 2012.

The second ultrasound was done at Mount Sinai hospital. However, this time we were not allowed to video it. We tried to get a little bit of recording before the technician told us to put away our camera. The purpose of the ultrasound is to ensure that she is developing well. We found out that we are having a little girl that day. I have always having an instinct that we are having a little girl. 

We had a hard time measuring her tail bone length and she was a little bit stubborn and refused to turn. We tried a couple times and finally another technician came in to measure her. My husband laughed that she got her determination from me.  This is when she is 19 weeks.

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