Friday, September 13, 2013

Zoey is one

After a long delay for posting due to house renovation and moving, we celebrated Zoey's first birthday September 12th at the new house. She got a lovely chocolate cake and a wonderful flower hat from her grandparents. Wearing some new clothes from her grand aunt, Hilda, she looks happy to be the center of attention.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Purple Shirt and a Happy Smile ^_^

It has been a long time since my last post. Life sure is busy with a baby plus work.
Here is a recent photo of Zoey on the high chair. She has a very beautiful smile.

And by the way.. we finally find a place to call home ^___^

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Punk Rock Zoey :)

After shower. Zoey's hair stand up to form a really cute style.. We shall call it " Punk Rock"

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Zoey eight months old

Time sure flies by... Zoey was eight months old on May 12th..
We are quite busy these days.. but here are some pictures

Monday, May 6, 2013

Sakura Day at High Park

So the sakura are in full bloom the past weekend. We take Zoey to visit High Park, where there are lots of sakura trees. As predicted, there are a lot of people as well. Zoey seems to have a good time playing with the flower petals. It is a gorgeous day out especially after a long cold winter here in Toronto.

Sleepy Time Collection

Sleepy Time... All the time.. Anytime.. Anywhere.. I love you Zoey

Sunday, April 14, 2013

7 Months old update

It has been a while since my last post. Life starts to get extremely busy as I go back to work. Zoey is growing fast everyday. We just celebrate her 7 months milestone two days ago. In the following picture, she is wearing a gift from my brother and my sister-in-law. She looks so cute in it. ^_^

Picture taken on April 13th. Saturday, 2013

 ps. I am hoping to snap a picture when she is able to sit up without support. Hopefully that day will come sooner than I thought.